this woman i love has two beautiful sons ... she is going through rehab for some problems .. when she was here with me .. we were so close .... she loved me and i knew it .. i could feel it .. now she is away .. and i had not had any contact with her for 2 months. i prayed for a way to contact her and i found her on myspace. i have been sending her emails but she does not respond back or even acknowledge me. ?? i am confused ..... i am hurting alot because of how deep inside of me i have let her .... and she is being silent to me ? i don't know what to do ? i also suspect that she made up the story of going someplace else for a rehab clinic ... just so she could get me to not pursue her . yet this same woman has told me she loves me ... she had much respect for me and she trusts me ..... her own words why the silent treatment ? and for you christians who answer .... every single prayer about her and for her has been answered so far with a yes ... every time ? so what's going on
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
I can well understand how u must b feeling at one point in my life i have experienced the same . but trust ,me matter what explanations u give to console ur soul and aching heart ...u must be knowing it very well in ur heart of hearts that it was quite a one sided relationship ...rit ? I knew it just too well too ..but i wud never accept the fact ..coz i loved hime just too much ..and for all the nice things that he said to me ...
She probably just needed ur support and sympathies at that time when u were together ...but now she has decided to move on ..and wants u to move on too . the silence is just a means to convey the message decently , so please listen to it ..and stop fooling urself anymore . there might be sumone else out there waiting for all ur rightful love ...just go n find out ...
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
play dumb
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
Don't worry about her feelings. Tell her you're taking her out to celebrate her birthday, even if it's 6 months late.
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
Maybe she thinks you are part of her problem. Maybe her therapist told her to not communicate with her old friends. Anyway, the best way to get her to contact you is for you to stop contact or pursuing her. Give her time to think. Women don't like to feel like they are being hounded by a man. It suffocates them.
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
Stop trying to contact her. She is not interested. Just move on. Don't waste time on her. If you already suspect she has lied to you is this the foundation you want to build a relationship on? Do not contact her again. Just move on.
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
I love someone very much and he is currently not talking to me.Totally different circumstances,but I am so heartbroken. I feel dead inside. Try not to pressure,that's what I'm being told. Hang in there!!!!
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
she might just have freaked out, you know? Seems to me she's been having a lot in her mind lately and if she really does love you, it can be that she's just a little freaked. Give her room to breathe, send her 1 card, letter or email telling her how you feel about her, and that you understand that she needs room to breathe, tell her you will be there for you and that you have been worried about her well-being, but just 1, you don't want to look like a psycho to her and make her feel like you're stalking right?
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
Well, could be alot of things. I don't know exactly what she said, but if she did go through rehab she might have different feelings, different goals......... If you have made contact with her and she still ignores have to respect her decision not to go forward with the relationship. If you don't it just seems like your "stalking" her.
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
One thing is for sure...she is either in rehab or she is not. You sound like a really nice guy who is very dedicated to a woman who does not want to pursue a relationship with you. IF she is in rehab her first love is whatever her dependency is and you will come in second best. At this time she is unable to sustain any relationship. I would move on with my life as much as it hurts. Sometimes things do not work out and I am so sorry you hurt so much. If she wants a relationship with you she would respond. Good luck!
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
Don't worry about it maybe she does have problems she needs to work out even if it isn't a rehab it will not do you any if it is gods will it will work out if you are letting it bother you that much you are stepping out of gods will he needs to be first not this woman.
If this don't work god will hook you up with the right one so relax and let him be your cruise control.
I love someone very much and that person is not talking to me ?
If she is your soul mate then why the games?
Please stop while you still have you dignity. There is obviously something wrong with a person who plays with anther persons emotions like this. It's not right. Pick yourself up and move on.
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