OKAY SO my life is preety much ****
I have a therapist
and my grades are OKAY
and i love a guy so much
he knows everything about me
my ups and downs
but i dont wanna loose him
i love him and i dont see my life/future without him
I got hurt one time when i thought he didnt love me anymore i was crying and shaking
I wanna stay with him forever
im 14 though
to talk to me personally
When is the right age to ''love''?
There is no specific age i am 14 I am in love and have been 2 times before now it all depends on you and whheather you think you are ready hun...
you need to talk im brook email me at robotemo_93@yahoo.com
When is the right age to ''love''?
age is just a number
i can say right now that i am in love
and i am 13
and sometimes you cant help how you feel
like my mom told me that right now its just puppy love and it will just phase away
i dont know if its true but im listening to her because she said she understood my situation when she was my age
When is the right age to ''love''?
Geez. I'm twelve and I can already predict how ridiculous that is. You will not find your 'true love' at fourteen years of age. It's reasonable to get hurt, but you can't take it so seriously because it's just a crush. ;)
When is the right age to ''love''?
If it is your first "love" then its a bit confusing because you feel like you are nothing without him. But really you have to realize that its hard to fine that someone at your age. Enjoy what you have with him instead of wondering wether or not this is your true love. There is no age for love...it just matters when you feel it, and trust me you will know when its real. For now, my advice is not to put so much of yourself into a relationship while your young...otherwise you might get some serious damage if something happened between you. But hey, i'm 16 and im on my 4th gf and feel as if she may be the one...9 months ^^
When is the right age to ''love''?
I'd have to say from personal experience, you can fall for someone and not even know it. I can understand that you don't want to live without this person, but are you staying with him for yourself or because you know you bring him happiness? Yes, you are 14, you have alot more to go through, trust me. I fell for 3 guys and im out of highschool now. Each time I fell for a different guy, I fell for something different in each of them. It was also a different level of love. The first love I had started out a selfish love, like I didn't want to let him go becuase I don't think I could be okay. Then the next came to be I'll never be okay without this person but i'll let fate take this one, and hope that it brings us both happiness. etc..do ya get it thought? Being 14, don't weigh yourself down with boys, take care of yourself, because you're number one girl. In the end, you are the only one who can truly help yourself
When is the right age to ''love''?
You might be infatuated with him but love takes time to grow.People get Love and Infatuation mixed up.
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