Saturday, November 28, 2009

I love this guy.....?

and he says he loves me back.

and i think he means it.

but hes going into 10th grade s'posed to be 11th, and im only going into 7th,

and alot of ppl are ma because were dating, but hes like idc. im in love with you. and im gonna marry you the day you turn 18. and stufflike that.

he has me on his myspace page. and he calls me every day, we talk on line and on the phone all the time, but my older brother used to be his best friend, now he wont speak to him.

things like that reallyup set me. what can i do abou it?

and he leavesme cute little comments on myspace. sayyn things like ilyou. and really cute ways of saying it. wat are some ways i say ti back to him?

I love this guy.....?

You have to wonder about a high school junior who wants to date a girl fresh out of grade school. Eighteen is a long way off. Don't hold your breath.

I love this guy.....?

the guy is a loser and cannot find anyone but a 7th grader

I love this guy.....?

that may be illegel cuz we can in my state!!!

no way don't do it!!

I love this guy.....?

Don't get too attached, a lot will happen before you turn 18 and you may really like this guy but the chances of you too still being together and happy with no regrets is pretty slim.

I love this guy.....?

u know i think his tooo young for u but u know what age doesn't matter sooo i think u should be with him

I love this guy.....?

Just enjoy being young and experience high school. Concentrate on your grades and your future so one day you'll be able to get a scholarship for college. Be friends with guys and date if you want to, but don't tie yourself down. I would also trust your brother's instincts. He may know something about this guy that you don't. Trust me live, laugh, volunteer, join clubs and teams, but don't get too serious about guys right now. Best Wishes!

I love this guy.....?

Your brother is just looking out for you. You should be glad he is there to watch over you. You never know your boyfriend might have done something that your brother didn't approve of to another girl. When they were out one night.

I love this guy.....?

um..i'm sorry,but this sounds really weird.

i'm all different age groups but,you're even younger than me,just going into 7th grade?I'm going into 8th.So I'm 13 already.Which means your like 12 or 11?

And he's supposed to be in 11th grade?So he's what?16?I'm sorry,but he's way to old for you.Why isn't he in 11th grade?

I sure he's a nice guy,but you're brother doesn't even like him,you should take note.

I'm not saying break it off with though.I'm saying don't get so into this relationship.Cause in two years he'll be 18 and you'll be going into 9th grade.


And as far as leaving cute myspace comments,go on sites with cute love comments.

I love this guy.....?

Maybe you should ask your brother why he won't talk to your boyfriend. Try to compromise with him after that.

I love this guy.....?

Well, do your parents object? How about his family?

5 years is a big difference in age when your 12 and he is 17. If its just a harmless young love romance with no sexual activity, i don't really think there should be any objections. If you are welcomed by his family and he by yours(with the exception of your brother) than have a good time and don't do anything stupid.

I love this guy.....?

Well, first of all you are too young, It was really hard for me to read what you wrote. A lot of misspelled words. Concentrate in school and study hard. You too are to young to know what you want right now. Trust me I was there once and when you get older you will understand.

I love this guy.....?

wow, this guy might wind up in jail... you're too young, even if he does "love you". Not to mention he's way too young to even understand what 'true love' even is. Sorry, but I would be very careful. He may be stuck on you but, I don't even know how to say this, but I wouldn't expect it to last. I'm sure he is really into you, as I guy, we've all been there, but it's just something new he is experiencing. I've never heard of anyone getting married that met in 7th and 10th (11th) grade. Besides, you should wait to meet someone that knows what they are going to do with their lives, besides make a living out of repeating grades in high school. Sorry, but I think you're on a bad path with this guy.

I wish you the best.

I love this guy.....?

You still young and you may want to just be real good friends until later.All this stuff about marriage it too early there so many things you need to be thinking about right now.

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