Who knows! Here's another question; what will happen to you when you die? What if entry to Heaven were based on how many friends you had on myspace? What if you needed 200 friends? What about 1000? The Bible says it's appointed once for man to die, then comes Judgment. Will you be innocent or guilty? The way to find out is to ask yourself if you've kept the 10 Commandments. Have you ever lied? (9th Commandment) Have you ever stolen? (8th) Using God's name casually or to swear is blasphemy %26amp; breaks the 3rd commandment. Sin is breaking God's Law - How'd you do? Are you a sinner? Heaven or Hell? The Bible warns that if we die in our sins, we'll end up in Hell. But God doesn't want that. God demonstrates His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Jesus Christ suffered %26amp; died on the Cross, then He rose from the dead. You broke the Law %26amp; Jesus paid the fine. You can't earn your way to Heaven by doing good things (Ephesians 2:8-9) but if you repent (confess %26amp; give up your sins) and trust in Jesus alone, God will forgive you %26amp; grant you the gift of eternal life. God's offer is similar to a 'friend request' in that you can accept or reject it. -- You received this card from someone that wants you to go to Heaven. Please seriously consider your eternal destiny. Start reading the Bible every day %26amp; obey what you read.
What happens to your myspace when you die?
I dont care much about what happens to my account on MySpace. I am so grateful though, that MY Space in Heaven has been reserved. :)
Jesus said in my Father's House are many mansions.
(John 14:2)
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
Amen, Brother! We all need to invite Jesus into our hearts in order to be saved.
In Christ,
What happens to your myspace when you die?
See my question here for the answer
What happens to your myspace when you die?
Like your soul, it goes to a garage in Buffalo. Praise Big Joe of Big Joe's Bait, Tackle, Transmission, Tire and Hair Care center.
What happens to your myspace when you die?
Actually usually your friends go on and put RIP at the top-- I've seen that quite a few times. It's left up as a memmorial. Or, if your friends can't find the password-- they leave it up anyway and it goes unused.
For the second time in five minutes you've told me to obey your Bible. Have you considered that your religion is one of thousands? Stop preaching-- all you do is make the normal, kind Christians look bad.
And your website is all scare propaganda. It never once tells about the good sides of the Bible but basically is to tell everyone we're all evil and going to Hell unless we bow to your church. Your "Good Person" test is fallible and makes everything human that we do appear evil-- I pity the gullible creature that falls for that.
What happens to your myspace when you die?
Oh, give it a rest.
What happens to your myspace when you die?
If you died in an interesting way, your myspace page gets submitted to www.mydeathspace.com.
What happens to your myspace when you die?
i,m with ALIGHT 4JC ALL THE WAY! My place is already is secured also. Thanks for not giving up on a sinful world.
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